During recent years considerable effort has been invested in creating
physical maps for a variety of organisms as part of the Human Genome P
roject and in creating various methods for physical mapping. The stati
stical consistency of a physical mapping method to reconstruct a chrom
osome, however, has not been investigated. In this paper, we first est
ablish that a model of physical mapping by binary fingerprinting of DN
A fragments is identifiable using the key assumption-for a large rando
mly generated recombinant DNA library, there exists a staircase of DNA
fragments across the chromosomal region of interest. Then we briefly
introduce epi-convergence theory of variational analysis and transform
the physical mapping problem into a constrained stochastic optimizati
on problem. By doing so, we prove epi-convergence of the physical mapp
ing model and epi-convergence of the physical mapping method. Combinin
g the identifiability of our physical mapping model and the epi-conver
gence of a physical mapping method, finally we establish strong consis
tency of a physical mapping method.