DNA sequences representing approximately 40% of the large-subunit rRNA
gene from the lower dipteran Chironomus thummi were analyzed. Once al
igned with their Drosophila counterparts, sequence and base content co
mparisons were carried out. Sequence identity was found to be high ove
rall, except for six regions that displayed a local bias in nucleotide
composition toward AT. These regions were identified as expansion seg
ments D3, D4, D5, D6, D7a, and D12. Besides base sequence divergence,
differences in length were observed between the respective variable do
mains of the two species, particularly for D7a. Prediction of secondar
y structure showed that the folding of the Chironomus expansion segmen
ts analyzed is in agreement with the general patterns proposed for euk
aryotic LSU rRNA. The comparison with Drosophila revealed also that th
e Chironomus secondary structures of the variable domains are supporte
d by multiple compensatory substitutions or even compensatory insertio
ns. Chironomus D7a displayed an unusual structural feature with respec
t to the insect D7a models that have been inferred up to now. The stru
ctural constraint observed in the expansion segments of Diptera so dis
tantly related as midges and Drosophila suggests that these regions co
ntribute to some functional role. Concerning the D7a of insects so far
analyzed, there can be, in addition to a conserved secondary structur
e, a nucleotide composition constraint that might be important for the
process giving rise to the alpha and beta halves of the 26S rRNA.