The multiwire proportional counter (MWPC) is well established device f
or capturing x-ray images at synchrotron sources such as at the synchr
otron radiation source (SRS) at Daresbury. The latest generation of sy
nchrotrons can deliver much more intense x-ray fluxes than the SRS whi
ch itself produces xray fluxes well beyond the capabilities of current
photon counting detectors, There is an imminent demand for 2-D photon
counting detectors which can cope with rates >10(5) photons/mm(2)/sec
locally and readout systems with an unbuffered throughput of >10(7) e
vents per second. This must be achieved with a high dynamic range and
a good efficiency. The detector development group at the SRS have deve
loped the wire microgap detector to address these problems. A new read
out system has been designed using a highly parallel approach. Each de
tector channel in the detector is separately instrumented, and the dat
a is accumulated using fast, state-of-the-art electronics systems. A p
rototype of the system has been constructed and tested with the 2 dime
nsional wire microgap detector. We report the results of the use of a
wire microgap linear detector on the SRS and the first results from th
e 2D wire microgap detector system.