Often over the past decade, the term ''software quality'' has been loo
sely used in relation to process and product. This has created conside
rable confusion and diverted the industry from its primary goal - impr
oving the quality of the products of the various software-development
phases. Little attention has been paid to the systematic study of tang
ible product properties and their influence on high-level quality attr
ibutes. Today the dominant modus operandi for software development is
heavily process-oriented. This rests on the widely held belief that yo
u need a quality process to produce a quality product. The flaw in thi
s approach is that the emphasis on process usually comes at the expens
e of constructing, refining, and using adequate product quality models
. The fundamental axiom of software product quality is: a product's ta
ngible internal characteristics or properties determine its external q
uality attributes. Developers must build these internal properties int
o a product in order for it to exhibit the desired external quality at
tributes. a product quality model, therefore, must comprehensively ide
ntify the tangible internal product characteristics that have the most
significant effect on external quality attributes. I suggest a framew
ork for the construction and use of practical, testable quality models
for requirements, design, and implementation. Such information may be
used directly to build, compare, and assess better quality software p