Given a set B of points in the Euclidean plane, the standard Steiner P
roblem asks for a network of minimum length connecting the points of B
. A solution to this problem is called a Steiner Minimal Tree and may
be computed exactly, using Melzak's compass-and-straightedge methods.
A Steiner Tree often contains additional nodes, called Steiner points,
not belonging to B. The node-weighted Steiner problem asks for the ne
twork connecting the points of B which minimizes the energy E = length
+ alpha(number of Steiner points), where a is a fixed nonnegative wei
ght. Solutions to this problem, here called node-weighted Steiner tree
s, can have different geometries than those available to standard Stei
ner trees. This paper presents a modified Melzak procedure which compu
tes the node-weighted Steiner tree for a given set B. (C) 1996 John Wi
ley & Sons, Inc.