Differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells in suspension culture r
esults in the formation of cystic embryoid bodies that develop blood i
slands, In this study pre-cystic embryoid bodies were attached to a su
bstratum, and the program of differentiation was monitored. The attach
ed ES cell cultures formed blood islands on a cell layer that migrated
out from the center of attachment and beneath a mesothelial-like cell
layer. Morphological and in situ marker analysis showed benzidine-pos
itive hematopoietic cells surrounded by vascular endothelial cells tha
t expressed PECAM and took up DiI-Ac-LDL. Waves of morphological diffe
rentiation were evident, suggesting a graded response to differentiati
on signals. Electron microscopy of the blood islands showed that they
were similar to blood islands of cystic embryoid bodies and mouse yolk
sacs, and cell-cell junctions were evident among the blood island cel
ls. RNA expression analysis was consistent with the presence of hemato
poietic precursor cells of several lineages and a primitive vascular e
ndothelium in the cultures. Thus a program of vascular and hematopoiet
ic development can be elaborated in attached ES cell cultures, and the
se blood islands are accessible to experimental manipulation. (C) 1995
Wiley-Liss, Inc.