We suggest that relatively few species attributes are of overriding im
portance to the structure of benthic marine algal communities and that
these are often shared among taxonomically distant species. Data from
the western North Atlantic, eastern North Pacific and Caribbean sugge
st that patterns in algal biomass, diversity and dominance are strikin
gly convergent when examined at a functional group level relative to t
he productivity and herbivore-induced disturbance potentials of the en
vironment. We present a simple graphical model that provides a way to
predict algal community composition based on these two environmental a
xes. This predictability stems from algal functional groups having cha
racteristic rates of mass-specific productivity, thallus longevity and
canopy height that cause them to ''behave'' in similar ways. Further,
herbivore-induced disturbances have functionally similar impacts on m
ost morphologically and anatomically similar algae regardless of their
taxonomic or geographic affinities. Strategies identified for marine
algae parallel those of a terrestrial scheme with the addition of dist
urbance-tolerant plants that characteristically coexist with and even
thrive under high levels of disturbance. Algal-dominated communities,
when examined at the functional group level, appear to be much more te
mporally stable and predictable than when examined at the species leve