Cannabis sativa preparations (hashish, marijuana) are the most widely
used illicit drugs during pregnancy in Western countries. The possible
long-term consequences for the child of in utero exposure to cannabis
derivatives are still poorly understood. Animal models of perinatal c
annabinoid exposure provide vide a useful tool for examining the devel
opmental effects df cannabinoids. Behavioral consequences of maternal
exposure to either cannabis preparations or to its main psychoactive c
omponent, Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabiriol (THC) in rat models are revie
wed in this paper. Maternal exposure to cannabinoids, resulted in alte
ration in the pattern; of ontogeny of spontaneous locomotor and explor
atory behavior in the offspring. Adult animals exposed during gestatio
nal and lactational periods exhibited persistent alterations in the be
havioral responses to novelty, social interactions, sexual orientation
and sexual behavior. They also showed a lack of habituation and react
ivity to different illumination conditions. Adult offspring of both se
xes also displayed a characteristic increase in spontaneous and water-
induced grooming behavior. Some of the effects were dependent on the s
ex of the animals being studied, and the dose of cannabinoid administe
red to the mother during gestational and lactational periods. Maternal
exposure to lowe doses of THC sensitized the adult offspring of both
sexes to the reinforcing effects of morphine, as measured on a conditi
oned place preference paradigm. The existence of sexual dimorphisms on
the developmental effects of cannabinoids, the role of sex steroids,
glucocorticoids, and pituitary hormones, the possible participation of
cortical projecting monoaminergic systems, and the mediation of the r
ecently described cannabinoid receptors are also analyzed. The informa
tion obtained in animal studies is compared to the few data available
on the long-term behavioral and cognitive effects on in utero exposure
to cannabis in humans.