A probabilistic random access memory (pRAM) neural network is describe
d for the classification of objects in a video sequence of FLIR (forwa
rd looking infra-red) images into two classes, target and clutter. The
image sequences used for training and testing were gathered from real
scenes. These sequences of frames were first passed through a hot-spo
t detection system which identified points in the image that have a hi
gh probability of corresponding to a target. Then feature extraction w
as done on the image patches surrounding these hot-spots using princip
al component analysis (PCA). These features served as input to a reinf
orcement learning pRAM net trained to produce values of (1 0) for targ
ets and (0 1) for clutter. The experimental results have been promisin
g, and on average, the network achieved a detection probability of 0.9
0 and 2-3 false alarms per frame in all training and test sets.