Late Westphalian inversion structures on the Variscan foreland display
wide variations in orientation that are the product of the underlying
basement grain. The orientation of the major basement lineaments in r
elation to the direction of maximum shortening also determined the sev
erity of deformation of the inverted basins. NE-SW-trending faults wer
e oriented roughly perpendicular to the NW-SE to NNW-SSE direction of
maximum shortening determined from thrust transport directions in the
Variscan orogen to the south. As a consequence, NE-SW-trending basins
in the Variscan foreland have been strongly inverted, the Silesian pos
t-rift fill has commonly been expelled from the basins and the syn-rif
t sediments have been deformed by chevron folds (Dublin and Bowland Ba
sins). In contrast, the N-S- and NW-SE-trending faults were oriented m
ore obliquely to the direction of maximum shortening and, as a consequ
ence, display a significant component of oblique slip. This oblique sl
ip component is manifested as en-echelon periclines and flower structu
res. In general, the N-S- and NW-SE-trending basins were less strongly
inverted and the Silesian post-rift fill has been retained.