This study was to investigate the prevalence of dementia in an aging p
opulation. A two-phase model was used to obtain information on the soc
iodemographic, medical and cognitive status of subjects over 65 years
of age (n = 516), resident on December 31, 1990, within the general po
pulation (n = 3,457) of La Selva del Camp. A diagnostic protocol, foll
owing the criteria of DSM-III, was designed for application to all sub
jects. We diagnosed 64 subjects with dementia, which represented a pre
valence of 14.9% of which 3.2% was classified as severe, 4.5% as moder
ate and 7.3% as slight. The prevalence by age and sex showed a large i
ncrease with age and a higher prevalence in females, although the latt
er was not statistically significant.