Hypercholesterolemia is not uncommon as a metabolic side effect of cyc
losporin A (CsA) therapy. The precise mechanism of this effect is unkn
own. On the other hand, the way CsA crosses the cell membrane is curre
ntly unknown. Among others, an interesting hypothesis has been made su
ggesting that CsA is bound and internalized by LDL (B,E) receptor conc
omitantly with LDL particles, during LDL endocytosis. In order to: 1)
evaluate the previous hypothesis, and 2) clarify the mechanism of hype
rcholesterolemia after CsA treatment, we preincubated cell cultures of
human fibroblasts with CsA in 37 degrees C for 24 hours while identic
al material was incubated without the drug. Both cultures were then ex
posed to radiolabelled LDL in 4 degrees C for 4 hours. The cells that
had been preincubated with CsA bound radioiodinated LDL in a significa
ntly lower degree than the non-preincubated ones. If the same phenomen
on happens in vivo, it seems that: 1) CsA causes catabolic hypercholes
terolemia inhibiting LDL binding by LDL (B,E) receptor and 2) the drug
, at least partially, migrates into the cell by a lipid free way.