Objective: In vitro incubation of cultured endothelial cells under hyp
oxia leads to the activation of these cells and results in an increase
of their adhesiveness for neutrophils (PMN). Because of the possible
relevance of these observations for pathological situations, we invest
igated whether adherence of PMN also occurs in an entire vein after it
s incubation in hypoxic conditions. Methods: Human umbilical veins in
complete cords were incubated for 2 h in normoxic or hypoxic condition
s and the adherence of unstimulated human Cr-51-labelled-PMN was measu
red under flow conditions. Experiments with human umbilical vein endot
helial cells (HUVEC) were performed in parallel for comparison. Morpho
logical studies in scanning electron microscopy were carried out in bo
th in vitro and ex vivo situations. Results: Hypoxia induced an increa
se in the adherence of PMN either to HUVEC or to the umbilical vein en
dothelium up to 5- to 6-fold when compared to normoxic conditions (P <
0.001). In both cases, this hypoxia-induced adherence was inhibited b
y anti-ICAM-1 antibodies or when the PAF (platelet-activating factor)
synthesis was blocked during hypoxia by oleic acid, Furthermore, the a
dherence of PMN was inhibited when PMN were pre-incubated with WEB 208
6 (a selective PAF receptor antagonist). These results indicate a cruc
ial role of PAF in this process. Morphological studies confirmed that
the number of PMN adherent to hypoxic HUVEC or to the hypoxic umbilica
l vein endothelium was much greater than the number of PMN on normoxic
endothelial cells. Both in vitro and ex vivo, PMN adherent to the hyp
oxic endothelial cells to the contrary of the ones adherent to normoxi
c endothelial cells demonstrated membrane foldings typical of an activ
ated state. Conclusion: These results show that in a complete vein, hy
poxia induced an increased adhesiveness of endothelial cells for PMN b
y a similar mechanism to the one observed for cultured endothelial cel
ls. They suggest an active role of endothelial cells in the initiation
of the inflammatory response often described in ischemic-reperfused o