D. Ghosal et al., PARALLEL ARCHITECTURES FOR PROCESSING HIGH-SPEED NETWORK SIGNALING PROTOCOLS, IEEE/ACM transactions on networking, 3(6), 1995, pp. 716-728
We study the effectiveness of different parallel architectures for ach
ieving the high throughputs and low latencies needed in processing sig
naling protocols for high speed networks. A key performance issue is t
he trade off between the load balancing gains and the call record mana
gement overhead. Arranging processors in large groups potentially yiel
ds higher load balancing gains but also incurs higher overhead in main
taining consistency among the replicated copies of the cad records. We
study this tradeoff and its impact on the design of protocol processi
ng systems for two generic classes of parallel architectnres, namely,
shared memory and distributed memory architectures. In shared memory a
rchitectures, maintaining a common message queue in the shared memory
can provide the maximal load balancing gains. We show, however, in ord
er to optimize performance it is necessary to organize the processors
in small groups since large groups result in higher cad record managem
ent overhead In distributed memory architectures with each processor m
aintaining its own message queue there is no inherent provision for lo
ad balancing, Based on a detailed simulation analysis we show that org
anizing the processors into small groups end using a simple distribute
d load balancing scheme yields modest performance gains even after cap
record management overheads are taken into account, We find that the
common message queue architecture outperforms the distributed architec
ture in terms of lower response time due to its improved load balancin
g capability, Finally, we do a fault-tolerance analysis with respect t
o the call-record data structure, Using a simple failure recovery mode
l of the processors and the local memory, we show that in the case of
shared memory architecture, the availability is also optimized when pr
ocessors are organized in small groups, This is because when comparing
architectures the higher cap record management overhead incurred for
larger group sizes must be accounted for as system unavailability,