Incidence rates of cancers of childhood in Thailand are presented for
the first time, and compared with results from cancer registries in As
ia, Europe and the USA. As elsewhere in the world, leukaemia (principa
lly acute lymphocytic), brain tumours and lymphomas comprise two-third
s of all childhood neoplasms. Carcinomas are rare, but the principal s
ites (liver, nasopharynx, thyroid and salivary gland) are extremely un
usual elsewhere. Several features of the cancer pattern correspond to
that in other Asian populations (China, Japan, Philippines), in partic
ular the low incidence of Hodgkin's disease, Wilm' tumour and Ewing's
sarcoma. Conversely, Burkitt's lymphoma is more common than elsewhere,
although this may represent increasing awareness of this diagnosis am
ongst clinicians in recent years.