Although African populations have been shown to be most divergent from
any other human populations, it has been difficult to establish the r
oot of the phylogenetic tree of human populations since the rate of ev
olutionary change may vary from population to population owing to the
fluctuation of population size and other factors. However, the root ca
n be determined by using the chimpanzee as an outgroup and by employin
g proper statistical methods. Using this strategy, we constructed phyl
ogenetic trees of human populations for five different sets of gene fr
equency data. The data sets used were two sets of microsatellite loci
data (25 and 8 loci, respectively), restriction fragment length polymo
rphism (RFLP) data (79 loci), protein polymorphism data (15 loci), and
Alu insertion frequency data (4 loci). All these data sets showed tha
t the root is located in the branch connecting African and non-African
populations, and in the four data sets the root was established at a
statistically significant level. These results indicate that Africans
are the first group of people that split from the rest of the human po