Ocular outcome was assessed in a 2 year cohort of all children born be
fore 32 weeks gestation within a geographically defined population of
approximately 3 million, Five hundred and sixty-five children were bor
n within the study period; 558 children (98.8% of the study group) wer
e assessed at approximately 2 years old, There was a high incidence of
abnormalities, particularly strabismus (70, 12.5%), cortical visual l
oss (7, 1.3%), sequelae of retinopathy of prematurity (16, 2.9%) and o
ther significant refractive errors (69, 12.7%). These data provide a r
ecent estimate of gestational age-specific prognosis and suggest that
follow-up yields a significant proportion of children with visual abno
rmalities who could benefit from treatment.