THE ultimate goal of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is
to achieve ''stabilization of greenhouse gas a lev
el that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference,vith the cl
imate system''. With the concentration targets yet to be determined, W
orking Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change develo
ped a set of illustrative pathways for stabilizing the atmospheric CO2
concentration at 350, 450, 550, 650 and 750 p.p.m.v. over the next fe
w hundred years(1,2). But no attempt was made to determine whether the
implied emissions might constitute a realistic transition away from t
he current heavy dependence on fossil fuels. Here me devise new stabil
ization profiles that explicitly (albeit qualitatively) incorporate co
nsiderations of the global economic system, estimate the corresponding
anthropogenic emissions requirements, and assess the significance of
the profiles in terms of global-mean temperature and sea level changes
. Our findings raise a number of important issues for those engaged in
climate-change policy making, particularly with regard to the optimal
timing of mitigation measures.