Image coding using quadtrees is useful in many applications and is wel
l known in computer vision and graphics. We draw a parallel between qu
adtrees and rational languages that are recognizable by finite state a
utomata (FSA), also known as automata. The FSA are shown to be an inte
resting alternative to the corresponding quadtrees. Binary image (0=bl
ack, 1=white) coding using a FSA follows these two steps: (1) automato
n construction based on the image quadtree, (2) automaton minimization
. The display of the coded image is simply obtained by stepping throug
h the automaton. We demonstrate how simple image operations can be eff
iciently implemented directly with FSA. Examples are also presented to
illustrate the relationship between the FSA complexity and the coded
images. Finally, the generalization of this approach to gray-level ima
ges, color images, and volume data is discussed. We believe that this
automaton coding approach will be useful in developing efficient image
and data compression algorithms.