Performances of sunshine bass, the hybrid of female white bass Morone
chrysops X male striped bass M. saxatilis, were compared between fish
reared in round and rectangular cages in ponds, between fish reared in
round and rectangular indoor tanks equipped with biofilters, and betw
een fish reared in ponds without confinement and in rectangular cages
in the same ponds. Fish weights at start were 100 +/- 5 g, and trials
lasted 108 d. Measurements were in terms of density equivalence for ca
ge-cage and tank-tank comparisons and numerical equivalence for cage-p
ond comparisons. Survival was 100% in all culture units. Mean growth r
ates in round and rectangular units were similar (2.5 and 2.6 gld in c
ages; 2.3 and 2.4 g/d in tanks). Fish grew better in open ponds (2.9 g
/d) than in cages in the same ponds (1.4 g/d). Growth and survival of
fish in all systems were comparable to reports for palmetto bass (stri
ped bass female x white bass male) and for striped bass.