This study assesses the different approaches to treating patients with
schizoaffective and paranoid schizophrenia in remission. Individualiz
ed treatment of 220 outpatient schizophrenia patients was conducted fo
r 4 years. The choice of treatment was based on the course of the dise
ase and the frequency of relapses. The influence of changes in treatme
nt on the patterns of relapses is presented. The results of this prosp
ective followup open study were evaluated by comparing data received d
uring our research with data from the two preceding 4-year periods and
with data from the control group. Compared with routine methods, spec
ial treatment tactics led to a significantly decreased frequency of re
lapses in patients with frequent relapses (p < 0.001). In patients wit
h rare relapses, full cessation of treatment did not lead to increasin
g mean frequency of relapses. Treatment in remission should be based o
n the peculiarities of the course of disease, specifically, frequency
of relapses, type of schizophrenia, and presence or absence of positiv
e psychopathological signs in remission.