Depending on the destination of the voyage the risk of travelers' diar
rhea (TD) can exceed 50%. The therapeutic efficacy of the fixed combin
ation of ethacridine-lactate and tannalbuminate (ET) has been investig
ated vs. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen CBS 5926 [SC] in a randomized
parallel group comparison study in 60 tourists with TD in Tunisia. Th
e study duration was 5 days. Dose regimen: either two Tannacomp(TM) fi
lm-coated tablets with 50 mg ethacridine-lactate and 500 mg tannalbumi
nate three times daily or three Perenlerol(TM) capsules with 50 mg SC
four times daily. 43 patients completed the study. Mean age: 33.7 year
s (ET), 31.0 years (SC). The duration of diarrhea (DD) has been define
d as the primary variable for confirmative statistical analysis. As se
condary variables have been defined stool frequency and consistency, a
bdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, global assessment of therapy, toler
ance and adverse drug reactions. Both ET and SC showed strong antidiar
rheal effectiveness. In 2/3 of the ET group the DD was shortened to on
e day, in 1/3 to two days (mean 1.4 days, = 33.8 h). In the SC group t
he DD was shortened to 2.1 days (= 51.4 h) (mean). ET has been signifi
cantly superior over SC (p = 0.0394). The relief from abdominal cramps
and vomiting has been better under ET. There were no adverse drug rea
ctions in both groups.