Learning disabilities are a group of conditions diagnosed when the ind
ividual's achievement in reading, mathematics or written expression is
substantially below that expected for his/her age, schooling and leve
l of intelligence, Learning dis ability does not include learning abno
rmality resulting primarily from communication disorders, impaired vis
ion or hearing. social or emotional disturbances or cultural differenc
es, a number of classification systems of learning disabilities have b
een proposed. A clinical-neuropsychological system recognises 5 types
of learning disorders based on abnormalities of: (i) phonological proc
essing (ii) spatial cognition; (iii) executive function; (iv) social r
ecognition; and (v) long term memory. underlying at,normalities of cog
nitive processes, mostly auditory and language processing but also vis
ual-perceptual abnormalities. are frequently present in individuals wi
th learning disabilities, Comorbid conditions include attention defici
t hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder and social skills abnormali