Previous morphologic and histochemical studies have documented extrace
llular elastin and elastic fibers within the matrix of pleomorphic ade
nomas of the salivary glands, By morphologic criteria, the elastin app
eared to be synthesized by the tumor rather than being a consequence o
f stroma produced in response to the tumor cells. To examine this issu
e, nine pleomorphic adenomas were studied by immunohistochemistry and
in situ hybridization with tropoelastin-specific antibodies and comple
mentary DNAs. Corroborating the previous morphologic studies, immunohi
stochemistry demonstrated abundant extracellular elastin within the ma
trix of pleomorphic adenomas. Additionally, both immunohistochemistry
and in situ hybridization demonstrated continued synthesis of tropoela
stin by the neoplastic cells. Tropoelastin production was seen in neop
lastic cells with all morphologies.