Sl. Chen et Sr. Huang, IMPROVEMENT ON STATE FORMULATION, STRATIFICATION AND ESTIMATION IN MONTE-CARLO PRODUCTION COST SIMULATION, IEE proceedings. Part C. Generation, transmission and distribution, 140(6), 1993, pp. 439-446
A computer algorithm designed for Monte Carlo production cost simulati
on is described. The design seeks to enhance the precision of producti
on cost estimation at a reduced computation time compared with the exi
sting approach. The algorithm has three major computer steps: (i) to f
ormulate a state population according to the uptime/downtime of the ge
nerating unit, hence to simulate generation availability; (ii) to stra
tify this population by a mathematical rule and draw sample states out
of each stratum; and (iii) to estimate the population mean of unit co
mmitment production costs by the rank statistics of the sample. The st
ratification rule aims to remove any judgemental input and to render t
he stratification process entirely mechanistic. The estimator, given b
y rank statistics of the sample, can avoid identification of the regre
ssion model and thus save computation time. The algorithm has been eva
luated and compared numerically with the existing approach. Hence, the
effectiveness on precision improvement is demonstrated.