Background - Despite the widespread use of computerised perimetry the
diagnosis of visual field deterioration in following glaucoma patients
over time remains particularly difficult. A new method of analysis us
ing a novel graphical display of longitudinal field data is presented.
Methods - A linear regression model of the luminance sensitivity at e
ach stimulus location against time of follow up transforms the quantit
ative data from a series of fields into a colour coded form which illu
strates the spatial configuration of change to aid the interpretation
of field loss. The method of analysis and the developed computer softw
are (PROGRESSOR) is described. Comparison with STAT-PAC-2 glaucoma cha
nge probability analysis is given including levels of agreement betwee
n the techniques using series of fields of 10 eyes from patients with
normal tension glaucoma. Results - Examples of this new method compare
well with STATPAC-2 analysis. The level of agreement between the tech
niques to separate progressing from stable retinal locations is good (
kappa = 0.62; SE = 0.04). Conclusions - This new technique, which comb
ines the change in perimetric sensitivity over time with colour coding
of significant change into one image may provide an efficient method
to detect true progression in glaucomatous field loss.