Crossflow microfiltration experiments were performed on yeast suspensi
ons through 0.2-mum pore size ceramic and polypropylene tubes at vario
us operating conditions. The initial transient flux decline follows de
ad-end filtration theory, with the membrane resistance determined from
the initial flux and the specific cake resistance determined from the
rate of flux decline due to cake buildup. For long times, the observe
d fluxes reach steady or nearly steady values, presumably as a result
of the cake growth being arrested by the shear exerted at its surface.
The steady-state fluxes increase with increasing shear rate and decre
asing feed concentration, and they are nearly independent of transmemb
rane pressure. The steady-state fluxes for unwashed yeast in deionized
water or fermentation media are typically 2-4 times lower than those
predicted by a model based on the properties of nonadhesive, rigid sph
eres undergoing shear-induced back-diffusion. In contrast, the steady-
state fluxes observed for washed yeast cells in deionized water are on
ly 10-30 % below the predicted values. The washed yeast cells also exh
ibited specific cake resistances that are an order of magnitude lower
than those for the unwashed yeast. The differences are due to the pres
ence of extracellular proteins and other macromolecules in the unwashe
d yeast suspensions. These biopolymers cause higher cell adhesion and
resistance in the cake layer, so that the cells at the top edge are no
t free to diffuse away. This is manifested as a concentration jump fro
m the edge of the cake layer to the sheared suspension adjacent to it.
The shear-induced diffusion model includes a dimensionless parameter
(referred to as the crossflow integral) that accounts for the concentr
ation jump as well as the viscosity and diffusivity properties of a gi
ven suspension, and this parameter was determined for the unwashed yea
st suspensions by fitting the experimental flux data to the model. The
resulting values of this parameter are significantly lower than those
for rigid spheres but show relatively little variation between experi
ments at different operating conditions for a given filter, indicating
that the parameter is an intrinsic property of the suspension/membran
e system. However, a significant difference in the parameter values wa
s obtained between the ceramic and polypropylene membranes, indicating
that the adhesive and fouling properties of the cake depend on the me
mbrane material with which it is in contact. The resulting fluxes obta
ined from the model using single values for the membrane resistance, s
pecific cake resistance, and crossflow integral for each data set (cer
amic and polypropylene filters) are in good agreement with the measure
d fluxes. Inertial lift theory with no adjustable parameters was also
compared to the data. It was found to overpredict the steady-state flu
xes at high shear rates and underpredict the fluxes at low shear rates