We begin by stressing that relevant and adequate information is an ess
ential ingredient of efficient decision-making processes aimed at opti
mising the performance of livestock enterprises. Such decisions are un
iversally made, so that though different approaches may be required, a
nimal health and production monitoring (HPM) is as important in sub-Sa
haran Africa (SSA) as it is in livestock systems in other parts of the
world. To set the scene for our discussion of HPM in SSA, we broadly
describe the main African production systems in tabular form, categori
sed by ecological conditions, production goals and input and output re
lations within a broad farming systems context. Subsequently, the scop
e and diversity of HPM in SSA is reviewed. This review reveals that in
2 decades of system monitoring, a wide variety of objectives have bee
n tackled from broad system description and constraint diagnosis to mo
re focused research to identify and quantify the impact of disease and
other specific factors on the productivity of cattle and small rumina
nts. There have been many monitoring clients, ranging from national go
vernments through aid agencies and the scientific community, to indivi
dual farmers, To serve these diverse clients and their objectives, a p
lethora of methods and data collection techniques have evolved, which
are briefly reviewed, Methods are often system-specific. As examples,
we discuss the specific monitoring needs of two contrasting production
systems (pastoralists in the arid and semi-arid zones and smallholder
dairy farmers in the highlands of East Africa) to indicate how monito
ring has contributed to our understanding of these systems and how mon
itoring might be better targeted to satisfy future needs. The impact o
f HPM on the ''state of the knowledge' of traditional African producti
on systems are then summarised at two levels. The first includes speci
fic health and productivity information gained while the second consid
ers the more general lessons learned with respect to livestock enterpr
ise functions and their impact on human welfare, Finally, future monit
oring needs are discussed relative to changes in African livestock sys
tems. It is anticipated that further specialisation and intensificatio
n of livestock enterprises will require decision-support systems, many
of which already exist in the developed world and could be adapted to