Objective: This study was initiated to determine the prevalence of dia
betes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in the childhood a
nd adult populations in seven different areas of Saudi Arabia. Method:
A household survey was conducted, and fasting and 2-hour'post-glucose
load' blood samples were collected from 6368 Saudi males and females
and the blood glucose level was estimated. The diagnosis of diabetes m
ellitus and IGT was based on the criteria of the World Health Organiza
tion. Results: The overall prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes me
llitus (IDDM) and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) in t
he total population was 0.96% and 4.25%, respectively. The prevalence
of NIDDM in females (4.73%) was higher than in males (3.69%), however,
the difference was not statistically significant. Children (less than
or equal to 14 years) were separated from adults and the prevalence w
as calculated in adult males, females and children. The prevalence of
NIDDM increased to 6.02% and 7.22% in adult males and females, respect
ively. Prevalence of IDDM was higher in children (1.55%)than adults (0
.59%). Impaired glucose tolerance was identified at a higher prevalenc
e in adult males (1.69%) than females (1.06%). Differences were encoun
tered in the prevalence of diabetes in the different regions of the co
untry. Conclusion: The Saudi population can be regarded as a moderate
risk population for diabetes mellitus. It is suggested that steps must
be taken to improve awareness of the disease and to take measures tow
ards prevention and control of this syndrome.