OBJECTIVE: To explore and evaluate various strategies for drug concent
ration- and effect-controlled clinical trials, respectively, in the co
ntext of studies of population phamacodynamics (concentration-effect r
elationships). METHODS: The relative utility of drug concentration- an
d pharmacologic effect-controlled, randomized clinical trials with two
or three concentration-effect measurements for each subject has been
explored by computer simulation. The basis for these simulations was a
sigmoid-E(max) (maximum effect) pharmacodynamic model with E(max) = 1
00%, EC(50) (drug concentrations required to produce an effect intensi
ty of 50%) = 10 concentration units, gamma = 2, and no hysteresis. E(m
ax) and gamma were held constant whereas EC(50) was assumed to be log-
normally distributed with a 26% coefficient of variation of the natura
l log-normalized data. A smaller random variability and variability du
e to measurement error also were incorporated in the simulations. To e
xplore the implications of variable and unknown E(max) and gamma value
s, the suitability of linear and log-linear interpolation procedures f
or two-point concentration-effect data in different regions of the sig
moid-E(max) curve was compared. RESULTS: Pharmacologic effect-controll
ed clinical trials with 300 hypothetical subjects and targeted effect
intensities of 25% and 75% yielded very good estimates of drug concent
rations required to produce effect intensities of 35%, 50%, and 65%, w
hereas concentration-controlled trials yielded much poorer estimates.
Moreover, the concentration-controlled trials, despite optimum choice
of targeted concentrations, yielded a large number of data points with
poor information content (effect intensities of <15% or >85%). Determ
inations based on targeted effect intensities of 25% and 75% yielded b
etter estimates of individual EC(50) values than those targeted for 25
% and 50% or 50% and 75% effect intensity. Results were not significan
tly improved by adding a third measurement (targeted to 50% effect) to
the 25% and 75% effect design. Estimations of drug concentrations req
uired to produce an effect intensity of 50%, based on log-linear inter
polation of exact concentration-effect data at 25% and 75%, yielded ex
act results independent of gamma value (0.5-8.0) whereas linear interp
olation produced large overestimates at gamma = 0.5 or 1.0 but satisfa
ctory estimates at gamma equal to or greater than 2.0. Similar calcula
tions for an effect intensity of 15% based on exact concentration-effe
ct data at 5% and 25% yielded reasonably good estimates by both method
s of interpolation over a wide range of gamma values. A review of the
clinical literature showed that gamma values are usually 2 or higher.
CONCLUSIONS: Population pharmacodynamic studies of reversibly acting d
rugs without pharmacodynamic hysteresis or time dependency (e.g., tole
rance) can be successfully conducted using a pharmacologic effect-cont
rolled randomized clinical trial design with only two properly selecte
d target effect intensities per subject.