The ground beetles form the speciose beetle family Carabidae and, sinc
e their emergence in the Tertiary, have populated all habitats except
deserts. Our knowledge about carabids is biased toward species living
in north-temperate regions. Most carabids are predatory, consume a wid
e range of food types, and experience food shortages in the field. Fee
ding on both plant and animal material and scavenging are probably mor
e significant than currently acknowledged. The most important mortalit
y sources are abiotic factors and predators; pathogens and parasites c
an be important for some developmental stages. Although competition am
ong larvae and adults does occur, the importance of competition as a c
ommunity organization is not proven. Carabids are abundant in agricult
ural fields all over the world and may be important natural enemies of
agricultural pests.