The aim of this study was to evaluate the actual function of the perso
nal activities of daily living in old people living in nursing homes a
nd in the community. Another purpose was to evaluate and document the
nursing load. The assessments were made over a four-week period. Two g
roups of individuals, aged 80 years or older, were compared with respe
ct to ability to perform activities of daily living. The first group c
omprised old people who had been resident in nursing homes for at leas
t six months, while those in the other group lived alone in the commun
ity and received some kind of assistance from the home service provide
rs. The subjects in the latter group were less disabled than those res
iding in nursing homes. Age group comparisons among nursing-home resid
ents showed no significant differences in the capacity of residents to
function in activities of daily living, nor in the case of those livi
ng in the community. The nursing staff in the nursing-home setting had
a heavier work-load than those working in the community concerning pe
rformance of personal activities of daily living. Caring for old peopl
e in institutions as well as in the community creates substantial chal
lenges for the care personnel.