We report 3 cases of Cadasil with dementia. In the 3 cases, the dement
ial had a subcortical and frontal presentation. It associated behaviou
ral symptoms, amnesia, executive functions disturbances, bradyphrenia,
slowing of information processing and frontal symptoms, without aphas
ia, apraxia or agnosia. One patient showed overt demential before any
focal neurological sign. Imaging of the brain was consistent with subc
ortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, without involvement of the c
erebral cortex. We suggest that demential and psycohaffective disturba
nces are major diagnostic criteria for Cadosil. This pathology is prob
ably a good model for the neuropsychological study and the physiopatho
logical analysis of the concept of subcortical dementia.