The free energy and magnetization for the general SU(N) one-impurity K
ondo model in the magnetic field h are calculated by extending the pre
vious 1/N expansion technique: the saddle point is determined self-con
sistently to the 1/N order. The obtained universal field-dependent mag
netization M(h/T(K)) by this simple method is shown analytically to be
asymptotically exact at both h much less than T(K) and h much greater
than T(K) limits. For general ''f-electron'' fillings, except half fi
lling, the M(h/T(K)) curves cross continuously from the weak to strong
coupling limit, but overestimate the curvature in the crossover regio
n for moderate N. The magnetic Wilson crossover numbers are calculated
approximately. Our results explicitly verify that the 1/N parameter i
s nonsingular under the adiabatic continuation.