A procedure is described for conducting an aquatic hazard assessment o
f selenium, Hazard is characterized in terms of the potential for food
-chain bioaccumulation and reproductive impairment in fish and aquatic
birds, which are the most sensitive biological responses for estimati
ng ecosystem-level impacts of selenium contamination. Five degrees of
hazard are possible depending on the expected environmental concentrat
ions of selenium, exposure of fish and aquatic birds to toxic concentr
ations, and resultant potential for reproductive impairment. The degre
e of hazard is given a numerical score: 5, high hazard; 4, moderate ha
zard; 3, low hazard; 2, minimal hazard; and 1, no identifiable hazard.
A separate hazard score is given to each of five ecosystem components
: water, sediments, benthic macroinvertebrates, fish eggs, and aquatic
bird eggs. A final hazard characterization is determined by adding in
dividual scores and comparing the total to the following evaluation cr
iteria: 5, no hazard; 6-8, minimal hazard; 9-11, low hazard; 12-15, mo
derate hazard; 16-25, high hazard. An example is given to illustrate h
ow the protocol is applied to selenium data from a typical contaminant
monitoring program. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.