The present paper identifies unique symmetry properties of the d --> d --> d + p + n breakup reaction that make it an excellent probe for
studying charge-symmetry breaking. Measurements were made for two conf
igurations of the ejected particles in the breakup reaction to obtain
values of the spin observables A(y), A(yy), and A(zz). These observabl
es are compared for the mirror reactions H-2(d -->, dp)n and H-2(d -->
, dn)p for the two angle pairs (theta(d), phi(d), theta(N), phi(N)) =
(17.0-degrees, 0-degrees, 17.0-degrees, 180-degrees) and (17.0-degrees
, 0-degrees, 34.5-degrees, 180-degrees) for an incident deuteron energ
y of 12 MeV. In addition, spin observables for the H-2(d -->, pn)d rea
ction at theta(p) = theta(n) and phi(p) = phi(n) + 180-degrees are sho
wn to provide a particularly good test of charge symmetry. Our A(y), A
(yy), and A(zz) data for the H-2(d -->, pn)d reaction at (theta(p), ph
i(p), theta(n), phi(n)) = (17.0-degrees, 0-degrees, 17.0-degrees, 180-
degrees) are used to illustrate this latter point. Of the ten charge-s
ymmetric sets of observables measured, two were found to differ by 2.5
standard deviations.