Field experiments evaluated barnyardgrass, broadleaf signalgrass, and
rhizomatous johnsongrass control with sethoxydim, clethodim, fluazifop
-P, quizalofop-P, and fenoxaprop applied alone and with bentazon or ch
lorimuron when crop oil concentrate or BCH 815 was used. Bentazon stro
ngly antagonized sethoxydim and clethodim. BCH 815 partially reduced t
he antagonism with sethoxydim and clethodim compared with crop oil con
centrate. Chlorimuron was most antagonistic towards fluazifop-P, fenox
aprop, and quizalofop-P, and BCH 815 did not reduce antagonism. Additi
onal experiments evaluated Italian ryegrass control with diclofop appl
ied alone and with bromoxynil, metribuzin, 2,4-D amine, or tribenuron
plus thifensulfuron with these adjuvants. The amine formulation of 2,4
-D and tribenuron plus thifensulfuron reduced Italian ryegrass control
with diclofop, irrespective of the adjuvant.