This article concerns the scientific value of the theory of autopoieti
c systems as developed by Maturana and Varela. In a first step, the ex
planatory power of the theory is investigated. It is argued that, due
to the tautological nature of its core concept and the absence of the
specification of the organization of the autopoietic system, the empir
ical counterparts of the theory's constructs cannot be determined. Thi
s renders the theory inadequate for descriptive and explanatory purpos
es. Proponents of autopoietic system theory do not agree with this kin
d of reasoning and its conclusion, since autopoietic systems, in their
view, cannot be observed precisely because of its autopoietic nature.
In a subsequent step, therefore, the epistemology advocated by Matura
na and Varela on which this counter argument rests is discussed. It is
shown that the interpretation of the ultrastable system, which underl
ies this epistemology, is not correct. Consequently, it is concluded t
hat autopoietic system theory as developed by Maturana and Varela is u