A hydrometallurgical process, which consists of a hypochlorite leachin
g of chlorine-alkali sludge followed by a solid liquid separation with
cake washing is presented. The effect of temperature, level of agitat
ion, amount of chlorine in the leaching. solution and its consumption
in the behaviour of the leaching process was analysed. The results sho
wed that to achieve higher leaching kinetics, there is not any advanta
ge of temperature higher than 25 degrees C, and that there is no need
for very strong agitation. It was noted that the chlorine consumption
is higher than stoichiometrically necessary. Some flowsheets are propo
sed with the corresponding computer worksheets. One of them was checke
d and confirmed by a continuous experiment on laboratory scale. Recirc
ulation of the leaching solution and of the filtration cake washing wa
ter diminished the necessary reagent consumption. However the percenta
ge of mercury extraction is slightly decreased due to the increase of
mercury concentration in the initial leaching solution.