Few diseases have unique clinical findings sufficient to identify them
. Dengue fever is not one of them, being necessary the clinical and la
boratory support to confirm its diagnosis. Since dengue virus was firs
t isolated there has been a worldwide effort to develop cheaper and mo
re accurate serologic diagnostic tests. Dengue hemorrhagic fever deser
ves closer attention because of its devastating clinical effects and l
ethal outcomes. In addition to the wine circulation of serotypes 1, 2
and 4 for over a decade in the Americas, the presence of Den-3 was det
ected again in 1994 since its last appearance in 1963 and 1977. Given
the high rates of vectorial infestation and the presence of a suscepti
ble population, the probability of circulation of this serotype in our
continent is high. The present work defines the wide range of diagnos
tic methods available today, their advantages and disadvantages, and t
heir importance in the epidemiological surveillance of dengue fever in