Looking for generally accepted principles for evaluation of humanitari
an aid, the authors have chosen humanity, neutrality and impartiality
- criteria accepted as they own by the International Federation of the
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Following these basic values, t
he relationship between quantity and type of official developmental as
sistance arriving from countries members of the OED was analyzed, as w
ell as of assistance these countries are providing for the UNHCR in th
e territory of the former Yugoslavia. Data analysis using the newly fo
rmed instrument - Benifitentia Index has enabled the authors to explai
n the ethic element of the donor countries in their assistance to the
war afflicted population in Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Fur
thermore, the authors have analyzed the period between 1991-1994. For
instance, in 1993, according to the total assistance provided to the U
NHCR, the USA are in the first place. Then follow the United Kingdom F
rance, and the Netherlands. However according to the Benificientia Ind
ex, far ahead in the first place there is Norway followed by the Nethe
rlands, Sweden and Switzerland.