A sample of 42 patients was selected from the research project, and al
l the examinees rc,ere treated for depressive psychosis at the Departm
ent of Clinical Psychiatry of the Clinical Hospital ''Sestre Milosrdni
ce'' in Zagreb, Croatia. The aim of the study was the analysis of biol
ogical aspects that are present in depression. A review of contemporar
y literature was also given, as well as the results of the research of
other authors. Depressions presented clinically more difficult form o
f endogenous depression: unipolar, bipolar and involutive depression.
The complete clinico-laboratory examination of the studied group of pa
tients was performed. Among specific laboratory tests, biochemical exa
minations, detection of metabolytes of some neurotransmiters and psych
ological tests were performed. The results of the study revealed lower
ed serum levels of prolactine and serotonine, and also 5-HIAA in 24-ho
ur urine. Those findings were in correlation with the degree of depres
sion, when measured by various tests (Overall's short psychiatric rati
ng scale, Hamilton's depression scale and Beck's questionnaire). A sta
tistically significant negative correlation was found between prolacti
ne blood levels and degree of depression according to Hamilton's scale
(t = -2.369, p<0.05). Similar results were found for serotonine blood
levels and 5-HIAA urine levels, although those observations were not
statistically significant (t = -1.595, p>0.05 and t = -1.210, p>0.05,
respectively). A large portion of patients (65.63%), mostly ones with
involutive depression, also revealed localized cortical cerebral atrop
hic changes on computerized tomography (CT) examination. The results o
f this investigation further delineate some biological aspects of depr
ession, what is of importance because of the therapy, and they also re
present a considerable scientific contribution. In some patients in a
studied group, a relatively high values of GT were found what was inte
rpreted as the patient's attempt of the self-therapy using alcoholic b