Sensorimotor learning ability in patients with ideomotor apraxia was i
nvestigated, using as subjects, eight patients with ideomotor apraxia,
8 with aphasia without ideomotor apraxia, and 8 normal controls. The
aphasia, apraxia, and normal control groups were matched for age, sex,
and education. The aphasia and apraxia groups were chosen to control
for lesion size and scores on Kimura's recurring figure test, the Toke
n test, and intelligence. The mirror-aiming test was performed and the
learning effect in terms of decreases in total time, the number of er
rors, and the times for errors were examined. There was no statistical
ly significant difference between the learning effect of the apraxic g
roup and that of the aphasic group for total time, the number of error
s, and the times for errors; however, there were group differences on
each trial for number of errors and the times for errors. These result
s suggest that patients with ideomotor apraxia have some difficulties
in motor performance rather than disturbance of learning.