Campylobacter are a frequent cause of diarrhoea in man. The in-vitro s
usceptibility of all species to the fluoroquinolones and the good resp
onse observed in early clinical trials has led to the proposal that th
ese agents may be useful in the treatment of campylobacter enteritis a
nd other more complicated campylobacter infections. However, fluoroqui
nolone-resistant campylobacters have been reported in up to 50% of iso
lates from man. The numbers of resistant isolates varies both between
and within countries, factors associated with this include foreign tra
vel, local usage of fluoroquinolones, especially in animal husbandry,
and whether the microbiology laboratory tests for susceptibility to fl
uorinated agents, or just nalidixic acid. Fluoroquinolone-resistant ca
mpylobacter have emerged during therapy with fluoroquinolones and been
responsible for treatment failure. The mechanism of resistance in mos
t isolates is due to mutation in the gyr A (at threonine 86) gene whic
h encodes the A subunit of DNA gyrase. The suggestion of cross resista
nce to non-quinolone antibiotics, such as tetracycline and/or erythrom
ycin, is probably explained by coincidental occurrence in isolates alr
eady resistant to such drugs. The proposal that the veterinary use of
fluoroquinolones has led to the selection of fluoroquinolone-resistant
campylobacters in poultry which then enter the food-chain to infect m
an has been viewed as controversial. In the UK fluoroquinolone were on
ly licensed for this use in 1993; it will be interesting to see whethe
r resistant isolates increase the number, thereby lending support for
this hypothesis.