The author discusses the psychological dimension of skin diseases by s
chematically distinguishing the following main categories: - the psych
ological repercussions of any skin disease, - functional cutaneous man
ifestations, defined a cutaneous symptoms with no known anatomical bas
is (e.g. pruritus sine materia of the elderly, glossodynia), - cutaneo
us consequences of behavioural disorders (e.g. pathomimia), - cutaneou
s manifestations of a known psychiatric disease (e.g. parasitic deliri
um or Ekbom's syndrome), - psychosomatic cutaneous manifestations, whi
ch are skin diseases associated with objective biological alterations;
psychological factors play an important role in the triggering and/or
recurrence of these diseases (e.g. psoriasis, pelade, atopic dermatit
is). Psychosomatic dermatology requires a great deal of effort from ev
eryone involved (patients, nursing staff), but these efforts are somet
imes largely rewarded when the skin finally regains its aesthetic and
hedonistic functions and when a patient can finally express himself ve
rbally, to his surprise himself and to that of the nursing staff, by d
iscovering a Wealth of thought which had been buried inside for such a
long time.