Objective: To determine whether the mortality rate of patients with a
history of Kawasaki disease is higher than that of the general populat
ion. Design: In a cohort study, 6585 patients with Kawasaki disease we
re observed from the first medical encounter because of the disease th
rough the end of 1992, or until death, Standardized mortality ratios (
SMRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated with vital st
atistics data of Japan for the control. Results: Of 6585 patients who
met the eligibility criteria, 6550 (99.5%) were followed through eithe
r the end of the study or the date of death. Nineteen patients (14 mal
e subjects) died during the study period; an overall SMR of 1.56 (95%
CI, 0.94 to 2.43) was calculated for the entire study period. The SMR
was 1.78 (95% CI, 0.97 to 2.99) for male subjects and 1.16 (95% CI, 0.
38 to 2.71) for female subjects. During the acute phase of the disease
(the first 2 months after onset), the SMR was higher, particularly in
male subjects (SMR, 10.12; 95% CI, 3.72 to 22.07). After the acute ph
ase, however, both boys and girls had low SMRs. Nine of the 19 deaths
were caused by Kawasaki disease; there were 2 deaths as a result of co
ngenital anomalies of the circulatory system and 2 subjects died of ma
lignant neoplasms of lymphatic or hematopoietic tissues. Conclusions:
Although the mortality rate among those with a history of Kawasaki dis
ease was elevated in Japan, many of the deaths that caused the elevati
on occurred during the acute phase of the disease. The mortality rate
was not increased after the acute phase of the disease.