This article presents a theoretical argument to explain the way in whi
ch unemployed people react to and cope with threats to their identitie
s that derive from perceptions of stigma and low self-worth. It is arg
ued here that strategies used by unemployed people to cope with such t
hreats are influenced by whether the individuals categorize themselves
as ''unemployed'' or adopt some other categorization (e.g., housewife
, retired coal-miner). It is also proposed that the concept of self-ca
tegorization can be framed within Folkman and Lazarus's (1980, 1985) c
oping model of distress in order to provide a more general framework f
or understanding these issues. The study reviews literature about stig
ma and coping with threatened identities with reference to these integ
rated frameworks, and concludes with a general model for predicting th
e way in which unemployed people self-categorize and cope with stigma
and low self-esteem. This takes into account the role played by situat
ional and individual factors, and suggests that individuals recategori
ze themselves in order to cope better during different phases of their