In recent years international trade has flourished in a category heret
ofore considered largely nontradable. Services are being exchanged acr
oss national boundaries in unprecedented volumes, with growth rates ex
ceeding those for trade in merchandise. In addition to cross-border tr
ade, foreign direct investment and sales by foreign affiliates are als
o growing rapidly. The phenomenon has attracted growing attention both
from impartial analysts and from government officials seeking to expa
nd their countries' exports. This article examines the nature of this
trade and considers which countries compete most effectively Among the
various types of services traded, the most dynamic growth has occurre
d in private sector activities such as advertising, accounting and fin
ance, legal services, and computer and data processing services. Obsta
cles to the trade, such as government barriers, are explored, and the
efforts of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations to reduce them are