The term aulophore describes a pelagic larval stage bearing a mucous t
ube. The first terebellid aulophore larva was described in 1863, but d
ata about these larvae are still scarce. The present work, with a revi
ew of the literature on terebellid aulophore larvae, and a re-examinat
ion of different unspecified records of aulophore larvae, is applied t
o the particular study of the aulophores of three species at the Frenc
h coasts: Lanice conchilega, a second species of this genus the develo
pmental study of which provides evidence of the existence of af new sp
ecies here designated under the name of Lanice sp., and a species of t
he genus Loimia. Distinctive characters, mainly based on the morpholog
y of the planktonic tube and the uncinal plates are given for these th
ree species, with a key to the best known species. A new Life cycle is
proposed for L. conchilega. This study expresses doubts about the lar
ge distribution range of the species L. conchilega, since such a large
distribution range may correspond to a mixing of species, and systema
tics seldom takes into account the larval and juvenile stages.