The Umbria Cluj twinning programme was established according to the Vi
ncent Declaration (SVD) Action Programme which foresees planned collab
oration between designated centers for the implementation of the SVD r
ecommendations. Under the auspices of the WHO-EURO and IDF-EURO, a twi
nning programme between the Diabetes Center and Clinic, Cluj Napoca (R
omania) and the Institute of Internal Medicine and Endocrine and Metab
olic Sciences, Perugia (Umbria, Italy) was established in 1992. The ai
m of this programme is to facilitate the regional implementation of th
e SVD in Cluj County which comprises 586,446 inhabitants. The programm
e involves 5 diabetes units, 51 diabetes teams each with a general pra
ctitioner involved in diabetes care but only 12 of thein trained in di
abetology. There are 5 major goals in this Programme: 1) Epidemiology
of diabetes mellitus (DM - actual prevalence 2.54%). 2) Improvement of
diabetes treatment, control and quality of life according to the DIAB
CARE Initiative (the Basic Information Sheet has been completed for 31
5 patients to date), 3) Implementation and evaluation of regular educa
tion programmes (5-day courses), 4) Prevention and treatment of compli
cations (amputations, blindness), and 5. Identification of risk factor
s for coronary heart disease in Syndrome X (300 patients investigated
to date, 69 with Type I DM and 231 with Type II DM.)